Monday, December 21, 2009

FLOPENHAGEN!!!! What went wrong?

7th of December when delegates from 150 countries met in Copenhagen to discuss on climate issues, everyone thought " finally they are meeting to control the level of emissions and save the earth from global warming"; they did not expect the turn of events in next 12 days.

"HOPEnhagen" as people called it having hope from this meet to have positive results to save the earth. It turned out to be completely HOPELESS!!

1. All the developed countries denied to follow KYOTO protocol, which says that all developed countries have to cut their emissions from the industries in these countries.

2. BIG MOUTH SMALL DEEDS:- Mr Barack Obama denied any cut in the emissions. Let us recall his first speech as president in which he mentions saving the nature as one of the prime goals . By "nature" he meant earth or Iraq? USA doesn't even want to sacrifice a single minute of power cut to reduce emission from power generation sector. And, so is the case with all other developed countries.

3. India stands in 5th position emissions at around 4.5% of total emissions. But our dear environmental minister Jairam Ramesh strictly said there that India wont cut on its emissions.

WHY CAN'T WE? There are many industries in India which use obsolete technologies leading to more pollution. Same goes with the automobiles. Along with this a mass awareness can be created among the people to conserve power and fuel. many of us switch off the car engines in the heavy traffic??.. or how many of us switch of lights and other appliances when not used??
These are few things which can be done in our daily life. Infinite ideas are given by people around me which can reduce the emissions.But , our environmental minister says India will not cut its emissions. What kind of attitude is that? He could well be a strict principal of some school instead of this.

4. This is the most idiotic part of it. No positive results from the meet. But 41000 tonnes of polluting gases added to the atmosphere because of the cars, air conditioners, flights and lightings in big hotels arranged for this meet. This is completely ridiculous.

All the above 4 points show how incapable we are in taking care of the nature. The damage at this stage is irreversible . But still its never too late. The damage could me minimized.

"Earth has enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed"----Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, December 18, 2009


The theory talks about the initial conditions and subsequent development of the Universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific observations. I have the inside information about Sehwag's BBT.

1) The better the bowler, the more I attack.
2) No matter how many runs the opposition has on the scoreboard, if I keep attacking they will weaken.
3) I will reach all major landmarks with a SIX.
4) No innings of mine can be complete without the umpires having to change the ball at least once.
5) If the ball is there to hit, I will not think twice.
6) Inner peace can only be achieved by sending the ball beyond the boundary line as often as possible.