Friday, May 1, 2009

If it's ONCE it's COINCIDENCE..what if its THRICE??

You may have encountered many coincidences in your life. Once if something happens we say its a coincidence. What if it happens feel its awkardly coincident. What if it happens third time?? You feel SOMETHING IS GOING WRONG!!!!!!

This eery incident happened few days ago when me and my friend(animesh) were coming back to hostel from the college gate.When we reached VDV building, just to scare my friend i told him there is a ghost in the building. We could see an empty room through glass window. Just to scare him a bit more i said " what if the light goes off and you see face of a ghost in that window ?" We were staring at the window and within a second; the POWER was gone. That surely scared both of us. Luckily we did not see any ghost's face.

I tried not to show my emotions and assured him that it was just a coincidence. We laughed at it and we moved further.

When we reached the CHIT Vihar, I asked him " what if the power of this building goes too?". He said " then it not a coincidence but something ghostly or psychic is going around us". And to our SCARY SURPRISE the power in this building goes off.

Now we were not laughing. Scared we were walking briskly. When we reached the next building (TIFAC) we saw 2 watchmen at night duty. We thought what could possibly go wrong now. But we were wrong. There was more to come.

We moved a step further and the power of the whole college goes off( Including the street lights). It was PITCH DARK. My heart sank(rather stopped) for a second. I couldn't feel my pulse. We stood there and held each others hand waiting for the power to return.

When the power was back, we ran to the entrance of the hostel and were wondering what just happened to us in past 5 minutes.Then we saw the time. It was 10:05 p.m. It was regular power cut from 10 to 10:05 p.m everyday.
We laughed at each other and went to our rooms.

Well....regarding ghosts...who's scared of them....yeah they scared me for 5 min, but still....BRING IT ON!!!


  1. Ohh..Its a Gr8 one!!..But wud u believe If I say..just while reading this Post for the first time,at some 3 in the midnight..n I'm all Alone in my room n whole Corridor..I get the Feel of the Blog, A nerve within Tickles..and then I think of Commenting on It,But even before I cud Click on the Comment Button...Guess What..?? "POWER GOES OFF..and then I see something...something really mysterious.."

  2. Hey that was funny....!! No wonder why i get to hear so many people telling almost every building of sastra is haunted

  3. strange... when my frnd and i were returning to hostel at 2 am every street light we came to on the way turned off.. the one that was off got turned on!!! when we came to av, suddenly the power got cut and the lights of the entire hostel went off! which building s not haunted?

  4. Dude... Gettin spooky these days?? huh??

  5. hey even i thought some ghost was on the way...:)
